About Rueblur

Rueblur was founded in 2014 in metro Detroit. Since its founding, Rueblur has blossomed into the company you see today. Rueblur takes pride in reshaping the social media landscape by making social media fun again. With rating and reacting to content users can experience social media with a wide range of thoughts, feelings, and intensity.


How is Rueblur different?

Rueblur differentiates itself from other social media platforms by providing its users control in addition to the rate and react system. Users are not only able to rate, react, and share content, but users receive Ruepoints for every post leading to rewards and trophies. (Coming soon!)


How will we help you grow?

Rueblur will continue to expand in the social media space, by focusing resources to be a staple application. Rueblur pledges diversity, innovation, STEM, education, community building, and creating opportunities for all.


How about monetization?

Users will have the ability to monetize their content through several Rueblur features such as subscriptions, badges, and live streaming to name a few. (Coming soon!)

Vision Statement

Rueblur’s vision is to provide a social media experience where every user is in control of their content and are absolutely free from “the machine” and its manipulative algorithms.

Additionally, Rueblur will continue expanding functionalities to become a premier platform for rating and reacting, video sharing, live-streaming, e-commerce, and more.

Make Social Media Fun Again!